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  • MFL | captainwebb

    MFL Curriculum Statement Intent Our intent is to provide our children with an engaging, exciting and empowering curriculum that allows them to develop as confident responsible citizens equipped with the skills that will allow them to be successful in our ever-changing world, both in the present and the future. We believe that childhood should be a happy, investigative and enquiring time in our lives. We constantly provide enrichment opportunities (memorable experiences) to engage learners and develop their cultural capital which has been recognised as essential if children are to succeed. We believe that our children should not only reach their best academically, but also develop a thirst for knowledge, foster a love of learning and leave our school with exceptional independent learning skills. We are fully committed to developing each child's unique potential within a secure and caring environment. We use our Captain Webb Values to promote positive attitudes to learning: Listen Encourage Achieve Respect Nurture Learning a foreign language is a liberation from insularity and provides an opening to other cultures. The 2014 National Curriculum for Modern Foreign Languages Appendix A aims to ensure that all children receive: A high-quality languages education which should foster pupils’ curiosity and deepen their understanding of the world. Teaching should enable pupils to express their ideas and thoughts in another language and to understand and respond to its speakers, both in speech and in writing. At Captain Webb we are committed to ensuring that teaching enables pupils to express their ideas and thoughts in another language and to understand and respond to its speakers, both in speech and in writing. We recognise that competence in another language enables children to interpret, create and exchange meaning within and across cultures. We believe that by teaching MFL we provide the foundation for learning further languages, as well as the means to access international opportunities for study and work later in life. The teaching of French in KS2 provides an appropriate balance of spoken and written language and lays the foundations for further foreign language teaching at KS3. Implementation At Captain Webb we teach French as this is the first language that our feeder secondary schools start with and the language that staff are most familiar with. Children are introduced to French in the EYFS through basic classroom routines. Throughout KS1, children are included in participating in special occasions such as World French Day. This enables the children to develop early language acquisition skills that facilitate their understanding of the patterns of language and how these are similar to , or differ from English. In KS2, French is taught to each class during a weekly timetabled lesson of 45 minutes. Lessons throughout KS2 support the four skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing whilst in addition learning about Francophone cultures. Children are taught skills to enable them to listen attentively and respond by joining in with rhymes, games and songs. We emphasise the speaking and listening skills over the reading and writing skills. We follow the primary MFL Scheme of work for French provided by La Jolie Ronde which thus ensures coverage and progression across school. Knowledge and skills in French are mapped out across the school from Year 3 – Year 6. At the beginning of a new unit of learning, children have the opportunity to recall prior learning as well as what they would like to find out. This informs the programme of study and also ensures that lessons are relevant and take account of children’s different starting points. Children develop an appreciation of a variety of stories, poems, rhymes and songs (particularly action songs). These are delivered through the curriculum content, as well as through using a variety of native French speakers through the aid of recordings. As confidence grows children are encouraged to record their work through pictures, captions and sentences. Cross curricular links have been identified in PE, music, art and DT, and are taken advantage of in order to deepen learning. In Year 6, children have the opportunity to visit France in order to experience a different language and culture. An After School Club provides children with the experience of learning about Francophone cultures in a fun environment. We believe introducing a physical element into some games serves to reinforce memory. Impact We believe that by the time our children leave our school: Children will be able to communicate with adults and each other in French. Children will have become aware that a language has a structure, and that the structure differs from one language to another having developed their language through the four key skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing. Children will learn how the language skills acquired can be applied to a range of different languages. Children will have developed an understanding of Francophone customs and cultures consequently having further respect for others. Children will increase their self-esteem. Children will transfer to KS3 effectively and successfully and will be well prepared to continue and develop their language skills. MFL Policy 2022.24 MFL Skills and Knowledge Progression Plans MFL SEND Read More Year 3 - Medium Term Plans Read More Year 4 - Medium Term Plans Read More Year 5 - Medium Term Plans Read More Year 6 - Medium Term Plans

  • About our Nursery | captainwebb | Dawley

    Welcome to EYFS Informations générales La garderie Captain Webb fait partie de l'école primaire Captain Webb. La crèche est située dans l'enceinte de l'école à droite du bâtiment principal de l'école. Chez Captain Webb Nursery, nous offrons un environnement stimulant, attentionné et sûr dans lequel les enfants peuvent se développer avec bonheur et apprendre à jouer et à travailler ensemble. Nous aidons nos enfants à acquérir des compétences et des attitudes, à travers des routines et des attentes, qui leur permettent de profiter de leurs premières années et d'effectuer ensuite une transition en douceur vers l'école. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Notre personnel de crèche se compose d'enseignants pleinement qualifiés, d'assistants pédagogiques et d'assistants de crèche. Tout le personnel travaille ensemble pour planifier notre programme préscolaire à travers l'étape de base et les objectifs d'apprentissage précoce dans un environnement d'apprentissage passionnant et motivant. Toute l'équipe de la maternelle assiste aux formations et événements de l'ensemble de l'école. En tant que crèche, nous travaillons en étroite collaboration avec les classes d'accueil, organisant des journées à thème et des heures du conte ainsi que l'utilisation des installations scolaires aussi souvent que possible, ce qui inclut l'éducation physique dans le hall de l'école, la participation aux productions scolaires, les photos scolaires, etc. Notre environnement extérieur est attrayant et offre de nombreux espaces différents pour apprendre par le jeu, y compris une mini zone forestière longeant le bâtiment de la pépinière. Toutes les zones sont sécurisées. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ La pépinière est uniquement en période scolaire. Les dates exactes des trimestres se trouvent sur le site Web de l'école. Nous fermons pour cinq jours de formation du personnel au cours de l'année scolaire. ​ La crèche se compose d'une chambre de deux ans et d'une chambre de trois ans. Veuillez suivre les liens vers la page appropriée, pour savoir comment inscrire votre enfant et demander un financement Meet the Early Years Team Mrs Kirsty McGee Reception Teacher Mrs Saara Reynolds Reception TA Miss Emma Robinson Reception Teacher Mrs Karen Jones Reception TA Mrs Samantha Brannon EYFS Leader Pre-School 1 Teacher Miss Sophie Cecil Pre-School 1 TA Miss Ruby Jones Pre-School 1 TA Miss Louise Hallybone Pre-School 2 Teacher Mrs Emma Burns Pre-School 2 TA Mrs Amy Lewis 2Year Old Room Leader Mrs Hannah Anthony 2 Year Old TA Miss Stephanie Cooper 2 Year Old TA Miss Stephanie Cox Nursery Manager My Key Person We Know that good teaching and learning begins with positive relationships. Relationships fulfil our most fundamental needs as humans - social connectedness. ​ A nurturing approach recognises that positive relationships are central to both learning and wellbeing, which is why all of our children are assigned to a 'key person'. The key person is a named practitioner who has responsibilities for a small group of children. ​ They are there to help the child feel safe and secure. the role is important for both child and parent and it is an approach set out in the EYFS. The key person will respond to children's needs and help them settle into a new environment . Communication is paramount between parent and key person, as these discussions hold key information about the child. ​​​​​​​​​​​​ Forest School Forest School is a specialised approach to outdoor learning that aims to develop confidence and self esteem through hands-on learning in woodland environments. All of our EYFS children access our forest school at least once per week, where the forest school leader/teacher have planned thoughtful activities which inter link their topics and themes within the classroom. Forest school is the perfect natural environment for children to build their self esteem, creativity and learn to manage their own risks whilst being supported by an adult. ​​​​​​​​​ Memorable Experience To introduce our children to the half termly topic, all children will have a 'Memorable Experience'. This means the children will be taken out on a visit or we arrange for a work shop to come into school. This helps them get a real insight into the next topic. ​​​​​​​​​​​​ Pre-school have a weekly Music Minors session with a professional music teacher. For more information about the company please follow the link Telford | England | Music Minors Early Year's Policies The policies below are specific to Early Years. For all our whole school policies please see our 'Policies and Procedures' page. EYFS Policy Jan 2024 See More Intimate Care Policy Feb 2024 See More EYFS Admissions Policy Sept 2023 See More Progressive Plans Communication and Language Best See More EAD Best See More Literacy Best See More Maths Best See More PD Best See More PSE Best See More Understanding of the World Best See More

  • Class Assemblies | captainwebb

    Assemblées de classe En raison de la pandémie de Covid 19, nous ne sommes pas en mesure d'inviter les parents à l'école pour assister à nos assemblées de classe. Cependant, nous aimerions toujours partager et célébrer l'apprentissage de chaque classe. Ainsi, au lieu d'inviter les parents à l'école, nous partagerons des vidéos de nos assemblées de classe sur cette page de notre site Web. Ils seront affichés tout au long de l'année. Nous espérons que vous apprécierez le. Captain Webb Primary School YouTube Page Below are some of the most recent assemblies uploaded Y3 - Class Assembly - Volcanoes 2022.01.28 Y6 - Carol Singing 2021.12.10 Y4 - Carol Singing 2021.12.10 Y2 - Carol Singing 2021.12.10 Daycare - Jingle Bells Carol Group 2 2021.12.10 Daycare - Christmas Pudding Carol Group 2 2021.12.10 Y5 - Class Assembly - The Tudors 2021.11.22 Y5 - Carol Singing 2021.12.10 Y3 - Carol Singing 2021.12.10 Y1 - Carol Signing 2021.12.10 Daycare - Jingle Bells Carol Group 2 2021.12.10 Daycare - Christmas Pudding Carol Group 1 2021.12.10

  • School Policies and Procedures | captainwebb

    Policies Safeguarding Policies Staff Equality Policy - Oct 23 Read More Child Sexual Exploitation - a Guide for Parents Read More Whistle Blowing Policy - Sep 23 Read More Pupil Equality Policy - Oct 23 Read More Child on Child Abuse Policy 23.24 Read More Parent Code of Conduct Policy - Oct 23 Read More Procedures for Managing safeguarding Concerns and Allegations - Apr 21 Read More Child Protection Policy - Sep 23 Read More Keeping Children Safe in Education - Sep 23 Read More Children's Emotional Health and Well being Policy - Sep 23 Read More Behaviour Principles Written Statement - Nov 23 Read More Anti Bullying Policy - Nov 23 Read More Social Media Policy - Sep 21 Read More Safer Recruitment Policy - Nov 21 Read More Domestic Abuse Policy - Oct 21 Read More Behaviour Policy - Nov 23 Read More Online Safety Policy - Sep 22 Read More Safeguarding Supervision Policy - Nov 21 Read More Child in Care Policy - Nov 23 Read More Visitors Policy - Oct 21 Read More Suicide Intervention Policy - Sep 21 Read More Children Missing From Education Protocol - Sep 21 Read More Our Safeguarding Team 2023-2024 Read More Use of Reasonable Force Policy - Nov 21 Read More Finance and Admin Policies Attendance Policy - Oct 23 Read More School Fund Audit (Sep 22 to Aug 23) Read More Governors and Staff Allowance Policy - Nov 23 Read More Unreasonable Complaints Policy - Nov 21 Read More Debt Policy - Nov 23 Read More Complaints Policy - Oct 21 Read More Gifts and Hospitality Policy - Oct 21 Read More Charges and Remissions Policy - Oct 2023 Read More SEND Policies SEND Information Report - June 23 Read More Accessibilty Plan Read More SEND Brochure Read More SEND Policy - Jul 23 Read More Information Governance Policies Pupil/Parent Privacy Notice Read More Parental Consent Form Read More Information Sharing Policy - Mar 23 Read More Mobile Phone Policy - Sep 23 Read More Data Protection Policy - Sep 23 Read More FOI Policy - Sep 21 Read More FOI Model Publication Scheme Read More Health and Safety Policies Site Security Annual Review document 2024 Read More Asbestos Management Plan - Jul 21 Read More Asthma Policy - Nov 21 Read More Supporting Children With Medical Needs Policy - Oct 21 Read More Administration of Medication Policy Read More First Aid Policy - Oct 21 Read More Health and Safety Policy - Oct 21 Read More Fire Safety Policy - Oct 21 Read More School's Emergency Plan - Oct 21 Read More Infection Control Policy - Sep 21 Read More COVID-19 Outbreak Management Plan Sep 21 Read More

  • D&T | captainwebb

    D&T Curriculum Statement Intent Our intent is to provide our children with an engaging, exciting and empowering curriculum that allows them to develop as confident responsible citizens equipped with the skills that will allow them to be successful in our ever-changing world, both in the present and the future. We believe that childhood should be a happy, investigative and enquiring time in our lives. We constantly provide enrichment opportunities (memorable experiences) to engage learners and develop their cultural capital which has been recognised as essential if children are to succeed. We believe that our children should not only reach their best academically, but also develop a thirst for knowledge, foster a love of learning and leave our school with exceptional independent learning skills. We are fully committed to developing each child's unique potential within a secure and caring environment. We use our Captain Webb Values to promote positive attitudes to learning: Listen Encourage Achieve Respect Nurture At Captain Webb, we want children to be inspired and enthused by the idea of designing, creating and making. Our Design and Technology curriculum allows children to exercise their creativity and become critical thinkers. Throughout their time at Captain Webb, children make meaningful cross-curricular links and apply the knowledge and skills they learn in other subjects to produce meaningful products. Our practical, design-centred learning teaches children to take risks and become resourceful, innovative and enterprising individuals. Through our Design and Technology curriculum, we provide pupils with key knowledge, which enable them to develop the skills required to become future builders, designers and engineers of the world. Implementation Our pupils leave Captain Webb with all of the knowledge and skills required to be innovative risk-takers. Our curriculum has been thoughtfully planned to ensure that the knowledge children have is built upon within every Design and Technology unit. Knowledge within our Design and Technology curriculum is split into several stands, including: Food, Cooking and Nutrition, Structure, Textiles, Mechanisms (KS1) and Mechanical & Electronic Systems (KS2). These are mapped out across year groups to ensure progression. Our planning ensures we teach the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to engage in the exciting process of designing and making. Children are required to plan and create products that consider function and purpose, and which are also relevant to real-life scenarios. Children look at existing designs to analyse and assess their effectiveness and then they consider ways of redesigning and reconstructing it to improve its overall success. At Captain Webb, we encourage children to use their imagination to design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts. Our children are required to consider others’ wants and needs by following a design brief. Design and Technology at Captain Webb is often taught as a block, or sometimes timetabled as a whole day, so that children’s learning is focused throughout each unit of work. At the beginning of each topic, initial assessments are completed to determine prior knowledge and ensure that progression is consistent. Evaluation is a key aspect of the Design and Technology process and children are given the opportunity to assess and ‘tinker’ their designs, continually looking to improve their work. Impact As well as monitoring of attainment, the impact of effective Design and Technology teaching is assessed through the pupil’s ability to evaluate, design, make and improve their own work. The impact of Design and Technology is also evident within the opportunities we provide to develop cultural capital. We do this across the curriculum and throughout the school by: Working with local companies to promote future career choices Cooking for a purpose so children learn to be passionate about working with, preparing and tasting food Implementing a high standard of hygiene learning when working with food Using tools to help children manage risks Visiting local restaurant’s to help children embrace cultural influences on the food we cook and the diversity of the ingredients available for us to cook with Displaying products that children have made so they can experience the suitability first hand (bird houses in forest schools) Designing and creating for a purpose when making a blanket for a local care home Studying famous engineering experts through STEM and communicating ideas and developing prototypes using CAD Involving children in enterprise activities so children can begin to make links between cost of produce and materials, and the profit that can be made Design and Technology Policy 2023.25 D&T Skills and Knowledge Progression Plans

  • Parent View | captainwebb

    Vue parente Ofsted Parent View gives you, as parents, the chance to tell Ofsted what you think of your child’s school, including: how happy your child is at the school how the school manages bullying or challenging behaviour If your child has special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), we will ask how well the school supports them. The questionnaire can be completed at any time - you don’t have to wait until the school is being inspected. Ofsted will use your responses to help plan inspections. The information you provide can: inform discussions inspectors have with school leaders during an inspection help Ofsted decide when to inspect a school In addition to this, they also publish the overall summary of the responses to Ofsted Parent View. This information is anonymised. If your child attends a maintained nursery, please read more about how to respond to the questionnaire here . Click ‘Give your views now’ to register and complete a survey to help your child’s school improve. Parental questionnaire Autumn 2023 - Responses Every term we hold a Parents Consultation Session. Parents can look through their child's work, and raise any questions they may have about their child's progress, in a 1:1 meeting with the class teacher. During this session we ask parents to complete a questionnaire on how they feel the school is performing on behalf of their child. The questions are the same as those on the Ofsted Parent View website, so we can combine and analyse both sets of results to see how parents perceive our service. Below are the results from the Autumn 23 questionnaire: Comments Below is a selection of some of the comments made by our parents. “My child will be sad to leave at the end of the year” “Great school - thanks” “Every teacher my child has had throughout the years has been excellent. I can’t thank them, and the school enough for all their hard work…they a credit to the education sector” “Teachers make school great for the children” “The school are brilliant at making sure children’s mental health is well maintained” “My child really loves school and enjoys coming everyday” “I’m very happy how my child is growing in confidence and with her friendship group” “Great school. My kids love it. Thank you” “This school takes an holistic approach to my child’s wellbeing, supporting us as parents to ensure she is happy and thriving at school and home” “We had a couple of issues with other children, but the issues were dealt with straight away. We are happy” “Perfect for my children” “Miss Saville is amazing, and I can’t thank her enough” “Couldn’t wish for a better school...the staff work hard to ensure my girls are happy and progressing well” “This school have been amazing with all my children…I highly recommend this school to fellow parents” “I highly recommend this school they are very supportive with everything and anything” “Since my son has been attending Captain Webb, I’ve noticed a massive change in his attitude towards school. His last school was a challenge for me every day but now he is fine – I can’t thank you enough” “My child enjoys school” “my child struggles to come out of his shell and the teachers have done an amazing job to ensure he is comfortable” You Said.....We Did... Obviously some parents have queries/concerns that they raise. Below are the actions we are taking in response to these. My children have lost all their jumpers We have created a centralised lost property which can be accessed by parents, by requesting access at the school office. All unclaimed lost property will be disposed of every half term. or used as additional uniform for children. If clothing is clearly labelled we do try and return it to its owner. ​ We need more reminders about events We work really hard at communication. We use ClassDojo, Facebook and the school website to communicate with parents. We will endeavour to post more reminders on Classdojo in the week leading up to events, in the form of a post called 'The Week Ahead'' My child was unable to participate in P.E. due to the weather....I understand the hall was double booked. This will have happened due to events taking place in the school hall - such as workshops and productions. If the weather is favourable we do take the children outside. Unfortunately if the weather is wet some children don't have the appropriate clothing and surfaces become slippy. We always aim for children to have at least 2 hours of physical activity a week during lesson times, this can include forest school, and activities in the classroom. ​ My child needs more support - SALT SENCO has contacted parent and this has been resolved. ​ I do feel naughty children are favoured....some pupils are disruptive. This is becoming more common in schools since COVID. We have a small percentage of our children, with multiple additional needs, which can result in them struggling to engage with their lessons. We are working very hard on supporting not only these children, but all children in school to attain the most from their education. Behaviour is part of our School Development Plan this year, which has resulted in: A member of SLT being appointed as Behaviour Lead A new Behaviour Policy has been created and shared on our Policies and Procedures page. Additional training has been received by all staff. Additional outside agencies have been commissioned to support children. Internal staff have been trained in further interventions such as ELSA and Drawing and Talking Therapy.

  • 2 Year Olds Provision | captainwebb

    2 Year Old's (Day Care) We have a well established curriculum for our 2 year olds, that is planned by our highly professional, experienced and qualified staff who take each opportunity to meet the individual needs of their children. The Pre-School Manager and EYFS Lead Teacher work closely with staff to ensure that planning and delivery is of the highest quality. This close working relationship will also ensure an effective and efficient transition into the rising 3’s room and beyond into reception. Here at Captain Webb we offer our 2 year olds a range of different experiences that supports their communication and language, physical development and their overall confidence such as, as weekly profession music teacher form ‘Music Minors Company’, a P.E. session with our Cross Bar coaches, weekly sessions in our onsite forest school and a weekly yoga session from our qualified toddler yoga teacher and room leader. We ensure that our staff: child ratio 1:4 for children aged 2 – 3, and 1:8 for children aged 3 – 4 years are upheld and often exceeded. What Our Day looks like 9:45 (12:15) – Drop off. This is an opportunity to talk to staff about their children and ensure a calm and happy handover. 9:15 (12:45) – Focus Communication and Language groups. The children will learn to regulate their behaviour, join in with singing and an activity that promotes effective communication and language. 9:30 (1:00) - Dough Disco. This session focuses on the children’s fine motor control. 9:45 (1:15) – Project learning and rolling snack. During this time the staff will open the outdoor environment, run a planned activity and support children to access snack independently and safely. Key workers will also use this time to develop individual’s next steps through an overarching theme which can be found on the overviews bellow. 11:15 (2:45) – Key worker groups. These sessions are specifically planned to meet next steps and therefore could be focused around maths, literacy and always delivered with high quality communication and language at the heart of the session. 11:30 (3:00) – Rhyme time. The 2 year old have specific rhymes that are planned for across the year. 11:45 (3:15) – Home time. This is an additional opportunity for parents to talk to staff about their child. Each parent will receive a daily form which gives specific information about their child’s day. *We offer a quiet and peaceful environment for any children who are still having naps in the afternoon. These are supervised by a member of staff at all times and a sleep record is kept for each child. What you will need to provide Water is always accessible within the room but if you would like to provide your child with a water bottle please ensure it is labelled with their name. Outdoor clothing and wellies for their forest school day. Bag of spare clothes (pants, socks, trousers/skirt and top). Nappies, we do provide wet wipes but if your child requires something specific, please inform the staff. Barrier creams will be applied with permission and will need to be provided by you. ​ Parents sessions Across the year we will be inviting parents and carers in for ‘Stay and Play’ sessions, dates are pre-planned and you can find them here . Stay and play sessions are your opportunity to talk to the room staff, look at your child’s learning journey and experiencing project learning opportunities. We often celebrate events in these sessions such as Christmas or valentines day with parents and carers. This children have a fun non-competitive sports day in the last summer term. Rolling Snacks Snack time at our nursery is fun and educational. We try to replicate the family environment with children sitting around the table to encourage conversation and develop physical skills pouring water from jugs and when using the cutlery. ​ Water, cow’s milk and fresh fruit is provided throughout the day at our snack table (or alternative milk for those with dairy allergies). We change our snack menu daily. Our Snack Menu 2 Year Old's Medium Term Lesson Plans Autumn Term 1 Autumn Term 2 Spring Term 1 Spring Term 2 Summer Term 1 Summer Term 2 2 Year Old's Long Term Lesson Plans Maths Progression Literacy Progression

  • P.E. and Sport Premium Funding | captainwebb

    Financement des primes d'éducation physique et de sport About the PE and sport premium Physical activity has numerous benefits for children and young people’s physical health, as well as their mental wellbeing (increasing self-esteem and emotional wellbeing and lowering anxiety and depression), and children who are physically active are happier, more resilient and more trusting of their peers. Ensuring that pupils have access to sufficient daily activity can also have wider benefits for pupils and schools, improving behaviour as well as enhancing academic achievement. The PE and sport premium has been allocated, by the government, to help primary schools achieve this commitment to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of the PE, physical activity and sport offered through their core budgets. It is allocated directly to schools, so they have the flexibility to use it in the way that works best for their pupils. ​ How we use the PE and sport premium Schools must use the funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of the PE, physical activity and sport they provide. This includes any carried forward funding. This means that we must use the PE and sport premium to: develop or add to the PE, physical activity and sport that our school provides build capacity and capability within the school to ensure that improvements made now are sustainable and will benefit pupils joining the school in future years We should use the PE and sport premium to secure improvements in the following 5 key indicators. Engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity, for example by: providing targeted activities or support to involve and encourage the least active children encouraging active play during break times and lunchtimes establishing, extending or funding attendance of school sports clubs and activities and holiday clubs, or broadening the variety offered adopting an active mile initiative raising attainment in primary school swimming to meet requirements of the national curriculum before the end of key stage 2 - every child should leave primary school able to swim The profile of PE and sport is raised across the school as a tool for whole-school improvement, for example by: actively encourage pupils to take on leadership or volunteer roles that support the delivery of sport and physical activity within the school (such as ‘sports leader’ or peer-mentoring schemes) embedding physical activity into the school day through encouraging active travel to and from school, active break times and holding active lessons and teaching Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport, for example by: providing staff with professional development, mentoring, appropriate training and resources to help them teach PE and sport more effectively to all pupils, and embed physical activity across your school hiring qualified sports coaches and PE specialists to work alongside teachers to enhance or extend current opportunities offered to pupils - teachers should learn from coaches the necessary skills to be able to teach these new sports and physical activities effectively Broader experience of a range of sports and physical activities offered to all pupils, for example by: introducing a new range of sports and physical activities to encourage more pupils to take up sport and physical activities partnering with other schools to run sports and physical activities and clubs providing more and broadening the variety of extra-curricular physical activities after school in the 3 to 6pm window, delivered by the school or other local sports organisations Increased participation in competitive sport, for example by: increasing and actively encouraging pupils’ participation in the School Games organising more sport competitions or tournaments within the school coordinating and entering more sport competitions or tournaments across the local area, including those run by sporting organisations ​ Online reporting As part of the funding agreement all schools must publish details of how they spend their PE and sport premium funding. These reports must be published online. ​ Online reporting must clearly show: the amount of PE and sport premium received a full breakdown of how it has been spent the impact the school has seen on pupils’ PE, physical activity, and sport participation and attainment how the improvements will be sustainable in the future We are also required to publish the percentage of pupils within our year 6 cohort who met the national curriculum requirement to: swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres use a range of strokes effectively, for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations ​ Below are our reports Evidencing The Impact of Sports Funding PE & Sports Premium Funding Plan 2023.24 PE & Sports Premium Funding Plan 2022.23 PE & Sports Premium Funding Plan 2021.2022 PE & Sports Premium Funding Plan 2020.2021 Plan d'action pour le financement de la prime sportive scolaire 2019/20 Impact du financement de la prime sportive 2020/21 Review of Impact of Sports Premium Funding 2020/21 Evidencing the Impact of Sports Premium Funding 2021/22

  • School Dinners | captainwebb

    Dîners scolaires ​ Veuillez trouver ci-dessous notre menu du dîner scolaire. Si vous avez besoin de plus d'informations sur les dîners scolaires, n'hésitez pas à contacter le bureau de l'école.

  • Spoken Word | captainwebb

    Spoken Language Reading and writing float on a sea of talk. James Britton What is Spoken Language? The national curriculum for English reflects the importance of spoken language in pupils’ development across the whole curriculum – cognitively, socially and linguistically. Spoken language underpins the development of reading and writing. The quality and variety of language that pupils hear and speak are vital for developing their vocabulary and grammar and their understanding for reading and writing. Curriculum Intent At Captain Webb Primary School, we value Spoken Language as an important part of the children’s entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum. Spoken Language provides the children with the opportunities to develop and extend skills and an opportunity to express their individual interests, thoughts and ideas. Our aim is to enable the children improve their levels of spoken language so that all pupils are able to communicate effectively and confidently in front of any type of audience. These skills are encouraged in every area of our curriculum as good communication skills can enhance every type of learning. The children are encouraged to explore ideas through talk; challenge each other’s opinions and develop their own reasoned arguments, as well as talking in full sentences with a clear and confident voice. Pupils should be taught to: listen and respond appropriately to adults and their peers ask relevant questions to extend their understanding and build vocabulary and knowledge articulate and justify answers, arguments and opinions give well-structured descriptions and explanations maintain attention and participate actively in collaborative conversations, staying on topic and initiating and responding to comments use spoken language to develop understanding through speculating, hypothesising, imagining and exploring ideas speak audibly and fluently with an increasing command of Standard English participate in discussions, presentations, performances and debates gain, maintain and monitor the interest of the listener(s) consider and evaluate different viewpoints, attending to and building on the contributions of others select and use appropriate registers for effective communication. Spoken language: speaking, listening & responding Implementation The teaching and implementation of the Spoken Language curriculum is based on the Early Learning Goals and National Curriculum; it is supported by expectations from the Voice 21 framework, ensuring a well-structured approach. These skills are at the core of our curriculum and pupils are encouraged to listen and learn from sharing ideas with others. Staff at Captain Webb model the use of higher level vocabulary within their speech and expanding children’s vocabulary is a key focus in all years. Subject specific vocabulary is embedded across the curriculum, through teacher modelling, in context. Contextual learning helps children to understand new words and supports them in including new vocabulary in their work. This model is reflected in both shared and guided reading sessions, where children are given the chance to explore unfamiliar vocabulary and expand their knowledge of words. Talk partners are used extensively throughout the school, together with a range of planned learning opportunities that encourage pupils to explore language e.g. role play, drama activities, group discussion, hot seating. In KS2, pupils also take part in class debates. Drama is used across a range of subjects including History, problem solving in Mathematics, hot-seating during English lessons and Religious Education,. to explore and engage children in their learning. This gives children the chance to embed the use of specific vocabulary repetitively. At Christmas, EYFS and KS1 children perform their Christmas production to the school while LKS2 produce and lead a production of drama, jokes and songs at Easter. At the end of the academic year, the Year 6 children perform a tailored production to parents and carers. All pupils also perform to their parents once a year in their year group assembly. Daily poetry and rhyme and singing sessions are prioritised in EYFS and KS1. All year groups have a core set of poems that the pupils learn off by heart and perform in assemblies. Our pupils need lots of opportunities to speak and listen. This is especially true of pupils with special educational needs (SEND) and/or pupils with English as an additional language (EAL). Within every day teaching, we use a range of resources to support communication e.g. visuals made with Communication in Print, word banks, sentence stems, speaking frames. Some pupils take part in small group activities (Talk Boost) and some pupils receive additional support e.g. speech and language assistant or therapist. Impact Constructive formative feedback is provided to pupils regarding their spoken language and listening skills, not only to improve their knowledge and skills but also to establish secure foundations for effective spoken language at primary school right through to secondary education and beyond. Pupils at Captain Webb Primary School have a wide vocabulary and are confident speakers. They enjoy talking amongst peers and to adults in school and demonstrate excellent listening skills.

  • Music | captainwebb

    Music Curriculum Statement Intent Our intent is to provide our children with an engaging, exciting and empowering curriculum that allows them to develop as confident responsible citizens equipped with the skills that will allow them to be successful in our ever-changing world, both in the present and the future. We believe that childhood should be a happy, investigative and enquiring time in our lives. We constantly provide enrichment opportunities (memorable experiences) to engage learners and develop their cultural capital which has been recognised as essential if children are to succeed. We believe that our children should not only reach their best academically, but also develop a thirst for knowledge, foster a love of learning and leave our school with exceptional independent learning skills. We are fully committed to developing each child's unique potential within a secure and caring environment. We use our Captain Webb Values to promote positive attitudes to learning: ​ Listen Encourage Achieve Respect Nurture ​ Music and singing are integral to the life of a Captain Webb child. We provide a vibrant musical experience for all children with fun and enjoyment at its heart. Our objective at Captain Webb is to develop a curiosity for the subject, as well as an understanding and acceptance of the validity and importance of all types of music, and an unbiased respect for the role that music may wish to be expressed in any person’s life. We are committed to ensuring children understand the value and importance of music in the wider community, and are able to use their musical skills, knowledge, and experiences to involve themselves in music in a variety of different contexts. We provide opportunities for all children to compose, play, perform and enjoy music. Through our music curriculum pupils will gain self-confidence and a sense of achievement. Children will develop their capacity to express ideas and feelings through the medium of sound. Extra-curricular clubs such as our school choir, musical theatre club and instrumental lessons enhance our curriculum offer. Implementation Music is firmly embedded into everyday life at Captain Webb. We deliver a clear and comprehensive scheme of work in line with the National Curriculum through Charanga. Music is taught for one hour weekly. Music lessons in both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 are taught by Telford and Wrekin Music and EYFS have music sessions delivered by Music Minors. Utilising specialist teachers ensures knowledge and skills are progressive from the age of 2 to the age of 11 as well as giving our children the opportunity to experience learning instruments from experienced tutors. This also ensures that children receive high quality music provision and that teachers receive valuable, regular CPD. Charanga includes many examples of music styles and genres from different times and places. These are explored through the language of music via active listening, performing and composing activities, which enable understanding of the context and genre. In doing so children gain an understanding into different methods of creating notes, as well as how to read basic music notation. They also learn to compose focussing on different dimensions of music, which in turn feeds their understanding when playing or appraising music. Weekly music lessons are just the start here at Captain Webb. Singing and music underpin everything that we do which is currently being evidenced in our Artsmark journey. One of our popular extra-curricular clubs is our Key Stage 2 Young Voices Group where we make community links and sing at our local Dawley Christmas Light Switch On. We also perform in homes for the elderly which both the children and adults thoroughly enjoy. Our extra-curricular clubs and ‘Composer/artist of the Week’ enhance our cultural capital and children hear music from Beethoven right through to Destiny’s Child. Singing is also embedded in our weekly singing assemblies and we are proud to say we are a Sing Up school that supports children in finding their voices. There is plenty of opportunity for children to sing and play instruments as part of our Captain Webb’s Got Talent showcase every summer. Children at Captain Webb regularly experience live music in the form of theatre shows and live bands. Live performances add to the music offer all children receive and provide opportunities for Pupil Premium children that they might not otherwise experience. Impact All children will benefit from a high-quality music education which engages and inspires them to develop a love of music and their talent as musicians. It will increase their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement. As pupils progress, they will develop a growing musical vocabulary that allows them to critically engage with music. Teaching and learning of music is a reflective process for the children as they are given the opportunities to assess themselves and their peers. The children also celebrate their success and skills with their peers and wider audiences. We assess through teacher assessment, pictures and video evidence which captures each child’s progress throughout the year. We utilise pupil voice regularly as a means of engaging children in their own learning and what they would like to see in their Captain Webb music journey. As part of our music provision, we achieved an Excellence in Music Provision Award from The Music Partnership and our Year 3 pupils received a Distinction in Music Performance from the University of West London. Music Policy 2023.25 Music Skills and Knowledge Progression Plans EYFS Musical Progression Plans Music Development Plan

  • Computing | captainwebb

    Computing Curriculum Statement Intent Our intent is to provide our children with an engaging, exciting and empowering computing curriculum that allows them to develop as confident, experienced and responsible users of technology. We want our children to be equipped with the knowledge and skills that will allow them to be successful in our ever-changing world, both in the present and in the future. ​ We believe that childhood should be a happy, investigative and enquiring time in our lives and so where appropriate, computing knowledge and skills are applied to theme-based tasks to make learning creative, accessible and engaging. We want our pupils to be fluent with a range of devices, applications and hardware and aim that by Upper Key Stage 2, children have the independence and confidence to choose the best tool to fulfil whatever task or challenge they may encounter. ​ We understand that the use of technology brings with it inherent risks. We believe that our children should be equipped with the knowledge, skills and understanding to use technology safely and respectfully, in order to become positive contributors to our world’s ‘global village’. We believe that our children should not only reach their best academically, but also develop a thirst for knowledge, foster a love of learning and leave our school with exceptional independent learning skills. We are fully committed to developing each child's unique potential within a secure and caring environment. ​ We use our Captain Webb Values to promote positive attitudes to learning: Listen Encourage Achieve Respect Nurture Implementation Computing is taught at Captain Webb Primary School as an area of learning, as well as being integrated, where appropriate, with other curriculum areas such as Geography, History, Science, Music, PSHE, Maths and Literacy. We have implemented a curriculum where pupils from the age of 2 to the age of 11 not only enjoy but also experience a range of activities that broaden their knowledge and understanding. ​ Computing consists of one unit per half term, which is either taught in a weekly lesson or as ‘Computing Days’, where children are able to immerse themselves in the progression of knowledge and skills of a particular area of learning and apply them within a given context. ​ The key knowledge and skills of each topic are mapped across each year group. This ensures that children develop their knowledge of computer systems and networks, various forms of digital media, data and information, and programming, progressively throughout the whole school. The skills in these areas are also developed systematically, with the programme of study for each year group building on previous learning and preparing for subsequent years. Knowledge and skills are informed and linked to enable achievement of key stage end points, as informed by the 2014 National Curriculum. ​ Throughout the Computing units taught in each year group, children learn to use and express themselves and develop their ideas. For example, when writing and presenting with desktop publishing or exploring art and design using digital media. Children develop practical skills in the safe use of computers and the internet, and the ability to apply these skills to real-life scenarios. For example, understanding safe use of social media, computer networks and email. We teach children to understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, including abstraction, logic, algorithms and data representation. Children are also taught to analyse problems in computational terms, and have repeated practical and progressive experience of writing computer programs in order to solve such problems. We also teach a progression of computing vocabulary to support children in the development of their computing knowledge. ​ Online safety is taught broadly and regularly at Captain Webb Primary School. We understand that Online Safety concerns not only digital tools and spaces, but also behaviour. Where appropriate, Online Safety is taught within Computing lessons. For example when children learn about computer systems and networks they learn about the importance of how data on networks can be copied and shared, and the importance of securing data on networks. In addition, Online Safety is taught during PSHE lessons. For example, when children learn about bullying, cyber bullying is included in context. Children are also taught Online Safety during a blocked ‘Online Safety Week’, where the eight strands of ‘Education for a Connected World’ (self-image and identity, online relationships, online reputation, online bullying, managing online information, health well-being and lifestyle, privacy and security, copyright and ownership) are taught in depth to key phases across the whole school. The evaluated impact of ‘Online Safety Week’ is used to direct further opportunities to develop our children’s knowledge and understanding of Online Safety, such as additional PSHE lessons, assemblies delivered by online agencies and targeted displays. Impact The implementation of this curriculum ensures that when children leave Captain Webb Primary School, they are safe, competent and creative users of technology. They will have developed skills to express themselves creatively using a range of digital media and be equipped to apply their skills in programming to different challenges and scenarios. Our children will know the risks of using digital technology and will be able to use it safely, respectfully and positively. They will have a secure and comprehensive knowledge of the opportunities and potential for the use of technology and digital systems in our world, both now and in the future. This is important in a society where technologies and trends are rapidly evolving. Children will be able to apply the British values of democracy, tolerance, mutual respect, rule of law and liberty when using digital systems. They will have increased cultural capital by seeing how computer networks, systems, devices, applications and hardware are used in real-life situations for their own benefit, and the benefit of wider society. ​ The pictures below show examples of computing curriculum progression through the years: Online Safety Policy 2023.25 Online Safety Audit 2023.24 Computing Policy 2023.25 Device and Technology Acceptable use Agreement for pupils Computing Skills and Knowledge Progression Plans 2022.25 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6

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