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Meet the Safeguarding Team

At Captain Webb we have a team of safeguarding leads who work closely together to ensure all our children, and their families, are safe. 

Our safeguarding team can be contacted in person via the main office or by telephone on 01952 386770

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Overall responsibility for safeguarding at Captain Webb sits with Sarah Passey (our Headteacher)
If you have any queries or concerns around the welfare of a child or any aspect of safeguarding at Captain Webb, the DSL is your first point of contact. 

Deputy Safeguarding Leads

Where the DSL is unavailable, a Deputy DSL will take the lead on safeguarding across the School. We have a number of trained DDSLs to ensure that capacity and availability is maintained at all times.

Our Deputy DSL's are:

Gemma Boden - Pastoral Manager

Nicola Weston - Deputy Head

Claire Watkins - Pastoral Support

Jenny Wheatley - Pastoral Support

Fran Tranter - OOH's

Safeguarding Governor

To ensure the governing body are able to monitor the safeguarding provision at Captain Webb they have appointed a Safeguarding Governor. 

The core responsibilities of the Safeguarding Governor are, along with the DSL: To ensure there are policies and procedures in place for appropriate action to be taken in a timely manner to safeguard and promote children's welfare; to feedback their findings to the full governing body; to undertake regular in-depth training to be able to advise the governing body on safeguarding matters.

Our safeguarding governor is Ms Jenny Kiernan

Designated Teacher for Children who are Looked After

Where children are looked after by the Local Authority, the Designated Teacher works with Children's Social Care to ensure the best possible outcomes, both academically and socially.


Our Designated Teacher for Looked After Children is Sarah Passey.

Meet the Team
Nikki Weston_edited.jpg
Claire Watkins_edited.jpg
Mrs J Wheatley_edited.jpg
Fran Tranter_edited.jpg
Reporting a Concern

Reporting a Concern 

Captain Webb Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all our children. All adults visiting or working on site at  Captain Webb have a part to play in ensuring we keep our children and each other safe.

In order to protect children at Captain Webb we will;

  • Create an atmosphere where all children feel safe, valued and listened to

  • Recognise signs and symptoms of abuse in all forms-

  • Act quickly and effectively when concerns around the welfare of our children are raised

All adults working with our children will know that;

  • They have a duty of care to safeguard all children whilst on site at Captain Webb

  • Disclosures of abuse can happen at any time and to anyone in school

  • They should immediately report any concerns around the welfare of a child to a member of the safeguarding team

  • Their role is not to investigate any concerns raised

All staff log any safeguarding concerns directly onto CPOMS (Child Protection Online Management System).

Visitors on site 


If you become worried about a child or by something you see or hear whilst on your visit to our school this information must be shared with a safeguarding lead, within 10 minutes. A Concern Form should be completed to ensure clarity of information.

There are Concern Forms located in every classroom, the staff room, and the school office. 

Family Connect 


If you have concerns that a child is suffering abuse or harm of any description you can also report this directly to Family Connect on 01952 385385

Safeguarding Information for Parents

Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is:
Gemma Boden


Our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads are:
Sarah Passey
Nicola Weston
Claire Watkins
Jenny Wheatley
Fran Tranter


If you wish to discuss or pass on any concerns you have regarding safeguarding and child protection please contact our Safeguarding Team through the school office.

Captain Webb Primary School follows the Telford and Wrekin Safeguarding Boards procedures.

The school will endeavour to discuss all concerns with parents about their children. However, there may be exceptional circumstances when the school will discuss concerns with social care and/or the Police without prior parental consent.

We always aim to maintain a positive relationship with all parents. 

Captain Webb Primary has a wide range of safeguarding and health and safety guidance and procedures in place to protect all our pupils and ensure their welfare. The governors and staff annually review and monitor these policies which include safeguarding, anti-bullying, behaviour, security, first-aid and e-safety.

In accordance with statutory guidance, all staff regularly attend Child Protection training and refresher sessions on the procedures to follow for suspected incidents of abuse.  

All staff are trained in Evacuation, Invacuation and Lockdown Procedures and these procedures are practiced in school over the academic year.

The Academy works with a number of agencies to safeguard and protect individual pupil’s welfare.

Robust safer recruitment guidelines are followed with regard to recruitment and all staff and regular volunteers undergo DBS checks to assess their suitability.

Our full Safeguarding Policy and procedures are available on our website here and from the office on request.


Other useful websites to support parents and families to keep children safe:


Online Safety Advice for Parents

Download the NSPCC online safety bookmark here

Let's Stop Abuse Together  -  advice and support site to help keep children safe from sexual abuse. The site includes advice for parents and carers on spotting the signs of sexual abuse and speaking to your child about relationships and safety. It also signposts to sources of further support for children, adults and professionals including the NSPCC helpline and Childline.

Childnet - Parent/Carer toolkit

Common Sense Media - advice re age ratings/restrictions on films, games etc. 

Internet Matters - help and support for parents of young teenagers 

Safguarding for parents
Safegarding for children

Safeguarding Information for Children

If you are being hurt, treated in a way that makes you feel scared or unsafe, or you feel very alone or unhappy, please tell someone about it so they can try to help you. Talk to someone you can trust, like your class teacher or one of our Pastoral Team (Mrs Boden. Mrs Watkins, or Mrs Wheatley) . Any member of staff in school will listen to you and support you, and talk through what can be done to help sort things out.

Remember that you can ring ChildLine anytime on 0800 1111

What to do about bullying

If you are being bullied by another child please tell someone. Bullying can happen to anyone, at any age, at school, at home, on the bus, in the street, online, or via your mobile phone. It might be that someone pushes you around, talks about you, teases you, makes fun of you, hits you or calls you names. No one has the right to hurt you or make you feel bad, and if you are being bullied you don't have to put up with it, you can talk to someone and get something done about it.  Talk to a teacher, your mum, your dad, or someone else in your family.  You could talk to someone at Childline - ring their freephone number 0800 1111.

Cyber bullying is when people are nasty online or on a mobile phone. It is against the law to bully someone in this way and it can be stopped.

Click on the names of the websites below for more information and advice:

Prevent Duty

What is the Prevent strategy ?

Prevent is a government strategy designed to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorist or extremist causes.
The Prevent strategy covers all types of terrorism and extremism, including the extreme right wing, violent religious groups and extremist support of other causes.

How does the Prevent strategy apply to schools?

From July 2015 all schools (as well as other organisations) have a duty to safeguard children from radicalisation and extremism.

This means we have a responsibility to protect children from extremist and violent views the same way we protect them from drugs or gang violence.

Importantly, we can provide a safe place for pupils to discuss these issues so they better understand how to protect themselves.

What does this mean in practice?

Many of the things we already do in school to help children become positive, happy members of society also contribute to the Prevent strategy.

These include:

  • Exploring other cultures and religions and promoting diversity.

  • Challenging prejudices and racist comments

  • Developing critical thinking skills and a strong, positive self -identity.


Promoting the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils, as well as British values such as democracy.

We will also protect children from the risk of radicalisation, for example by using filters on the internet to make sure they can’t access extremist and terrorist material, or by vetting visitors who come into schools.

Different schools will carry out the Prevent duty in different ways, depending on the age of the children and the needs of the community.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Prevent relate to British values?

Schools have been required to promote British values since 2014, and this will continue to be part of our response to the Prevent strategy.

British values include:

  • Democracy

  • The rule of law

  • Individual liberty and mutual respect

  • Tolerance of different faiths and beliefs.


Isn’t my child too young to learn about extremism?

The Prevent strategy is not just about discussing extremism itself, which many not be appropriate for younger children. It is also about teaching children values such as tolerance and mutual respect.

Is extremism really a risk in our area?

Extremism can take many forms, including political, religious and misogynistic extremism, Some of these may be a bigger threat in our area than others.

We will give children the skills to protect them from any extremist views they may encounter.


Extremism - vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values such as democracy, the rule of law and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs.

Ideology - a set of beliefs

Terrorism - a violent action against people or property, designed to create fear and advance a political, religious or ideological cause.

Radicalisation - the process by which a person comes to support extremism and terrorism.

Where to go for more information?

Contact Mrs Boden through the School office.

If you have any questions or concerns about the Prevent strategy and what it means for your child please do not hesitate to contact the School.

You will find more information about spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and British values on our website.

Prevent Risk Assessment - April 2024

External Sources


The following sources may also be useful for further information:

Frequently asked questions, Prevent for schools

What is Prevent? Let’s Talk About It

Prevent Duty
Key Safeguarding Documents

Safeguarding Policies

These are our main Safeguarding Policies. All our other Safeguarding Policies can be found on our Policies Page

Staff Equality Policy - Oct 24 - Oct 25

Child Sexual Exploitation - a Guide for Parents

Whistle Blowing Policy - Sep 24 - Sep 25

Pupil Equality Policy - Oct 24 - Oct 25

Child on Child Abuse Policy - Nov 23 - Nov 24

Parent Code of Conduct Policy - Sep 24 - Sep 25

Procedures for Managing safeguarding Concerns and Allegations - Apr 23

Child Protection Policy - Sep 24 - Sep 25

Keeping Children Safe in Education - Sep 24 - Sep 25

Children's Emotional Health and Well being Policy - Sep 23

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